In my last post I sort of griped about how my fiction/non-fiction ratio was all screwed up and after hitting "publish" I cracked open another non-fiction book and read it at work.
Okay, when I say "crack open" I don't mean literally because it's an ebook and that might damage my boss' computer, and saying I read it all during my 8 hour shift sounds impressive but it's not a full size GRRM novel, it was more like a manifesto.
But it was a damn good read. The advice given was obvious and practical, yet had impact and truth. This one definitely falls in line with the other things I've been reading lately and with my previous post about how conflicted I was about weather I could consider myself a 'real writer' yet.
I already am a real writer because I declared it so.
As soon as you accept that and get rid of your fears of being called out you start to have more fun with it.
Again great, quick read for anyone having doubts or still clinging to that "aspiring" label.
Now time to start making progress on my fiction pile.
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